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Événement : «Mouvements sociaux et politiques en Asie du Sud», Atelier Jeunes chercheurs, Nagpur, Inde, 7-13 février 2010.

13e Ateliers Jeunes Chercheurs de l’AJEI Nagpur, Inde

L’Association Jeunes Etudes Indiennes (AJEI) regroupe des étudiant(e)s en sciences sociales, du mastère au post-doctorat, travaillant sur l’Asie du Sud. Chaque année elle organise un atelier d’une semaine en Inde et un séminaire d’une journée en France, lesquels sont autant d’occasions pour de jeunes chercheurs de présenter leurs travaux, discutés par des chercheurs confirmés. L’édition 2010 des ateliers, qui se tiendra à Nagpur au Maharashtra du 7 au 13 février 2010 en collaboration avec l’Université de Nagpur et le Département d’Études sur la pensée d’Ambedkar, abordera la question des mouvements sociaux et politiques en Asie du Sud. Continuer la lecture de Événement : «Mouvements sociaux et politiques en Asie du Sud», Atelier Jeunes chercheurs, Nagpur, Inde, 7-13 février 2010.

Publication : Territory, Soil and Society in South Asia

This volume tackles a widespread stereotype in academic studies, according to which pre-colonial India consisted of territorial units with ill-defined, fuzzy boundaries, and where territory had, and still has, little value as a cognitive category. In aiming to reconsider this perspective, the book follows two converging lines of enquiry. One explores the conceptions that stress the mutual determination of places and people, and the entrenchment of their identity in the soil. The other analyses historically and anthropologically the changing nature of the notion of territory, understood in its proper sense of a jurisdiction: an area where rights and power are exercised. Continuer la lecture de Publication : Territory, Soil and Society in South Asia

Publication : India’s Unfree Workforce

Of Bondage Old and New

This volume makes a distinction between agrarian bondage as it existed in the past and the contemporary practices of bondage in various branches of the economy. It suggests that the analysis for bonded labour cannot be disassociated from a broader analysis related to the whole landscape of labour. The emergence of neo-bondage is strongly connected to the reinforcement of the informalization of labour relationships as well as the intensification of circulation and labour migration. Neo-bondage is strongly connected to the increased monetization of commodity exchanges and of social relationships, as well as the development of mass consumption. The authors do not accept the proposition that labour bondage is likely to disappear when economic growth is sustained at its current rate. Continuer la lecture de Publication : India’s Unfree Workforce

Publication : India and the European Union

Building a Strategic Partership

Recognition of India’s increased stature and influence regionally and globally, greater interest in a rapidly and consistently growing economy of a billion-plus people, acquisition of nuclear weapons, steadily improving relations with the United States – all contributed to India’s admission into the elite club of nations with which the European Union is forging a “Strategic Partnership” in the 21st century. Continuer la lecture de Publication : India and the European Union